MYTH: If there were a better plan for us, my broker would have told me.
FACT: Brokers might not tell you about solutions that offer no commission.
MYTH: Busy CEOs tend not to care deeply about healthcare details.
FACT: CEOs will focus on a 15% to 30% reduction in the cost of healthcare once the analysis is on their desk.
MYTH: We should trust our broker and look for savings elsewhere.
FACT: Brokers and salespeople rarely understand the detailed construction (and pricing) that goes into reducing the cost of care below $10,000 per employee per year and fewer still are able to create quality coverage for under $5,000 per employee per year.
are only accessible to certain brokers and help compa- nies under 200 ee replicate current benefits at a 20% to 40% lower cost.
reduce claims 20% long term at no cost to the employer.
suits a workforce that books their vacations via smart phone, eliminating the need for your HR department to play “travel agent.”
(hybrid or partially self-insured) reduces carrier profit margins and risk charges. It also eliminates the 3% insurance state tax.
sets pre-negotiated pricing in certain networks that accept 140% to 200% of Medicare payments in exchange for timely payment and eliminates dependence on PPO “discounts.”
give employees financial incentives to make decisions that drive down employer costs. Examples include free telemedicine, free gener- ic drugs, and subsidies to employees who join their spouses’ plans.
give the CEO an accurate benchmark analysis of commissions, costs, and “double dips” in medical and drug plans without alerting the carrier, TPA, broker, or PBM.
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