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What are the Four Hallmarks of DCI’s Client?

Others might drift with the status quo but you assert yourself against it. You keep your company fresh and resilient because you know your employees count on you for constant improvement and growth.

  1. You Learn.
    "It's what you learn after you know everything that counts. When you're through learning you're through." John Wooden
    "It was a constant search to try to figure out how to get better. Losing to the Celtics in '08 wasn't good enough to say, 'They were a better team, we lost.' No. Why did we lose? What could I have done better? I think it's that constant curiosity that will separate you, I think" - Kobe Bryant
  2. You Leverage.
    You leverage your hours wisely, delegating activities not worth your personal time. You prioritize opportunities to significantly elevate your company and its profitability. 
  3. You Innovate.
    You sustain your company on the power of innovative leadership. You look into the future asking, "What's next?" You make time to explore important new ideas that revitalize your company and don't let your strategy get shaped by the status quo and the "Tyranny of the urgent."
  4. You Align.
    Your company culture is a function of the people inside and outside your company whom you align with your vision. People get your trust after they get you first.

IF this describes you...let's create something great together.


When was the last time you had a $2 Million Dollar Day?

For a high net worth business owner in Colorado, DCI’s analysis revealed four significant gains in overhead costs, which increased the company’s profit and cash flow by $350,000/year…forever, without needing to change one company process. This resulted in a 10% jump in earnings AND a ~$2 Million increase in the business owner’s annual personal net worth. The owner’s total time investment for the $2million? 1 day. So – high net worth business owners – when was the last time you spent a day of your time and increased your annual net worth by $2 million dollars?

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